
How Great Restaurant Schedules Reduce Turnover & Increase Profit

How Great Restaurant Schedules Reduce Turnover & Increase Profit

Restaurant turnover costs are astronomical and a lot of times staff leaves because of sub-part scheduling. Here's how creating a strong restaurant schedule can boost morale, keep turnover down, and boost your bottom line.



The Six Dumbest Things Dishwashers Have Done

The Six Dumbest Things Dishwashers Have Done

Mistakes happen no matter what industry or position. Thanks to Reddit's Kitchen Confidential there's an endless supply of mishaps from servers, bartenders and kitchen staff. Today's list though is a hilarious assortment of some of the dumbest things dishwashers have done.



Best Rookie Bartender Fails

Best Rookie Bartender Fails

Ever since servers start their first day, they instantly start planning for when they’re promoted to bartender. When that day comes, they tend to get a bit overwhelmed because it’s not as easy as it looks. We’ve collected seven  videos of servers training as bartenders and surprise… they FAILED.

