
How to Better Protect Your Foreign Employees

How to Better Protect Your Foreign Employees

The restaurant industry is one of the most diverse in the country. Around 47.8% of workers employed in restaurants are from minority backgrounds, a significant number of immigrants, which is a positive aspect that we should all be celebrating. Few other industries can boast this level of international cultures, ideas, and perspectives. But they also need protection.



Staying Up to Date on Best Practices for Protecting Customers & Staff During Coronavirus

Staying Up to Date on Best Practices for Protecting Customers & Staff During Coronavirus

We're still several months away before COVID-19 becomes less of a daily threat. Here are some best practices for protecting your restaurant's guests and staff in the interim.



Is the 'Fight for $15' Inevitable in the Restaurant Industry?

Is the 'Fight for $15' Inevitable in the Restaurant Industry?

The last change to the minimum wage occurred over a decade ago in the summer of 2009. It’s the longest period America has ever gone without a raise in the minimum wage since its creation in 1938. While states are moving forward, the federal government is at a standstill. Despite obstacles, a majority of restaurant workers, in addition to Americans in general, want to see a rise in the minimum wage

